
The quality of the products and services rendered, as well as attention to the needs of its customers, in the extremely competitive market of the decorative lighting industry, is an advantage and a key success factor.

TECNIKA LUMEN wants to secure an increasingly strong position in the market and, with the proper implementation of the Quality Management System, to stand increasingly for Quality and Service among the best companies in the industry.

TECNIKA LUMEN favors operating in higher value-added sectors, where the advantages of operating under Quality Assurance can be more concrete.

TECNIKA LUMEN wants to propose itself as a particularly qualified supplier for the design and realization of "custom" lighting fixtures, i.e., made on request and / or indications of the customer.

The lighting market in the world is increasingly characterized by high competitiveness in the quality of the products requested, in the characteristics of the service provided to customers and in the containment of production costs.
Since the beginning of its activity, TECNIKA LUMEN has been characterized by the particular attention paid to these aspects, making them its own element of competitiveness.

TECNIKA LUMEN's Quality System covers all the activities carried out at its headquarters in Marghera (Venice) and complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.

The basic principles for achieving the set objectives are as follows:

  • Customer needs must also be met through the clear definition of product requirements and service rendered.

  • To achieve these objectives, the qualification of the staff and their involvement in the various phases of business processes are of utmost importance.

  •  The selection and control of suppliers guarantee adequate supplies in terms of product and service Quality.

  • The continuous improvement of operating machines and production systems, allow the adaptation of the product to the quality levels required by the market.

  • Professionalism and a sense of responsibility in their work, on the part of all, are essential in avoiding errors, identifying their causes and their rapid elimination. This can only be achieved by using systematic and planned methods and procedures.

  • The company assesses the context in which it operates, analyzing the risks and opportunities deriving from it.

  • The company defines its internal processes, evaluating risks and opportunities.

  • The Quality Management System complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, it is respected and maintained over time. It is subjected to periodic checks to measure its validity and update it according to changing needs.

  • The company's Quality System was intended as a necessary tool for achieving the above. The certificate of compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard that TECNIKA LUMEN obtained in 1999 and maintained testifies to collaborators and customers the commitment and ability of the company.

In achieving its objectives, Tecnika Lumen is committed to constant compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to its business, with particular attention to environmental protection, the health and safety of workers as well as the specific quality needs of its customers.

This policy is disseminated to all staff who are called to implement it and to contribute proactively, each for their own responsibilities and skills, to the achievement of objectives and to the continuous improvement of the organization's performance.


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